
We offer digital products and cannot be returned, your purchase is only eligible for a refund in the following situations (subject to our 30-day refund window).

To start a refund, you can contact us at support@bagerich.com. If your refund is accepted, we’ll send you an instructions on how to get your money back. Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted.

  • You found technical problem with our product. You should contact us first with specific information about the issue. If we encounter a consistently reproducible error with the product files that cannot be resolved, we will gladly accept your refund. Note: Products with alleged technical issues will only be eligible for a refund when sufficient information is provided regarding how the error was created.
  • You purchased a same License twice. We will gladly to refund the duplicate purchase(s) to you.
  • The product was misrepresented in the description. We consider an item to be “misrepresented” when the delivered item does not match the described function in the product description, or when an item stated to be included is not delivered. 

To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase.

We’re unable to process refunds in the following situations:

  • You (or your client) no longer need the purchased product.
  • You found another product you like better, or you’ve changed your mind about your purchase. 
  • You don’t have sufficient expertise to use the product.
  • You don’t have the correct software (described in the listing) to open and edit the product. Software requirements may be listed one of several ways, including “Compatible with” information below the product screenshot, file type, or product description. 
  • You bought an item on accident, and our system shows that the product was downloaded.
  • You feel that the item is of low quality.
  • You are having trouble downloading the product because your internet is not fast enough, is not stable, cannot handle a large download, or you are having similar issues related to your internet service.
  • You claim the item is experiencing a technical issue, but you are unable or unwilling to provide sufficient evidence for the technical issue. 
  • Your product purchase was made over 30 days ago.

Need help?

Contact us at support@bagerich.com for questions about purchase issue, technical problem or the refund.